
Web Design

If you’re in business, you need a web presence. It’s a way for your business to be available 24 hours a day. Prospective clients can find out what you offer, how to reach you, when you’re open, where you’re located, etc. Even if it’s just a single page, you need to be online.

One of the biggest stumbling blocks to an effective website is that just about everyone out there has a friend or cousin who claims to be a web designer. Just because they’ve got some software that helps them build a site doesn’t mean they know the first thing about good design, reader-friendly writing, and search engine optimization (SEO). If you want a successful website, hire a professional designer. Remember the old adage… you get what you pay for.

Another problem I’ve seen is clients opting for template sites. By that, I mean the various web companies that offer online tools to build your own site. You choose from one of their templates and can do a basic amount of customization. These companies often charge a rather hefty monthly fee and you’re left to do the work. Plus you’ve got a site that may look just like a competitor’s. A much better solutions is to have custom built website that’s just as unique as your business. It doesn’t have to be expensive — I specialize in budget-friendly web design.

Once you have your website up and running, it’s time to tie it to the various social media platforms. For instance, if you market to consumers, Facebook and Twitter are great additions. YouTube provides a great place to store videos that educate clients and prospective clients.

Read more about good web design here.

Web Design

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